After Pablo (print and play)

Regular price $0.00

Print and Play available from Wargame Vault HERE 
Tabletop Simulator by Mark Fredrickson HERE

"After Pablo" was released in 2010.  The original game was made at a qty 140.  Past into Print Publishing has released the files for a print and play version of the game and those can be found here.
The bloody saga of Mexican and Colombian cartels following Pablo Escobar's death.

It's 1994. Pablo Escobar has been killed and the Colombian Medellin cartel has been dismantled, a short lived victory for the DEA. The Mexican cartels now see an opening to establish a new organized trade. Power shifts from Colombia and now centers on Mexico as the primary distributor of narcotics.

"After Pablo" tells the story of the the Mexican and Colombian cartels in the time following Escobar's death. Each player controls a cartel and must establish leadership and control of the drug market while maintaining the business of their operations. After several seasons, the cartel which has taking the greatest command of the narco trade will gain the trust of the market, and fill the gap left by Escobar's death. The Serpent has many heads.

You can purchase this title in one of three ways:

The PnP edition, which has all the components in PDF format - you download and print out, then create the components yourself.

The 122 printed cards and no additional files - for those that want a replacement deck for their original, printed copy.

The 122 printed cards and the PnP edition, so you can print out the mapboards, rules, and chits/tokens, but leave the task of creating the cards to DriveThruCards. This option also includes the PnP files for the cards, but since you will be receiving the printed cards, you may not want to download this file. Your choice, but the options are there for you.
Included in the PnP only version is everything you will need to print and assemble the components to the game, including:

Cartel and Money Cards in several PDF files
Rulebook (In English, German, and Greek link)
Player Aids (English, German, and Greek link)
Rules Summary and game box graphics
Tokens / Playing pieces
Included in the Cards only purchase:

122 Printed Cartel and Money Cards - European Poker-size 63mm x 88mm, round corners, double-sided, UV coated, Premium - Arjo-Wiggins Playper 305gsm matte with blackcore layer.
Included in the Cards and PnP version is everything you will need to print and assemble the components to the game and the printed cards:

122 Printed Cartel and Money Cards - European Poker-size 63mm x 88mm, round corners, double-sided, UV coated, Premium - Arjo-Wiggins Playper 305gsm matte with blackcore layer.
Rulebook (In English, German, and Greek link)
Player Aids (English, German, and Greek link)
Rules Summary and game box graphics
Tokens / Playing pieces